Friday, May 28, 2010

Ingredients for Effective Change

I have a dirty little secret share. Actually, it is not so much a secret to those who really know me and my occasionally stubborn ways. Sometimes, no matter how much I know changes need to be made in my personal or professional life- I DO NOT ALWAYS LOVE TO CHANGE. I guess this simply makes me a normal person because change is something that we all struggle with at times. Some people more than others.
The financial life planning process centers itself around the concept of meaningful and effective change. Change is an extremely complex psychological process. When it comes to the topic of changing various aspects of our financial lives it is important to first start with well defined goals and objectives. Common life planning goals and objectives generally fall within the following categories:

• Family
• Career
• Social
• Physical Health
• Spiritual
• Financial
• Intellectual

If you are seeking change in any (or all) of these areas of your life ask yourself one simple question: What are the primary steps you need to take to move in a positive direction?

So what does it take for meaningful and effective change to occur? The ingredients for effective change are as follows:

1. Vision (Awareness/ Insight Into Yourself)
2. Internal Capacity for Change (Skills and Ability to Change)
3. External Pressure (Incentive/Motivation)
4. Action (Have Plan and Take Action)
5. Time (Real Change Takes Time)